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My Current Project: Virtual Playground/Netgate Mall

Netgate Mall is a multi-user world to be shared by people using internet connected computers. Netgate Mall brings the successful distributed architecture of Greenspace to the internet. We hope to scale Netgate Mall use to hundreds of simultaneous participants.

Another Current Project: PRISM: The Puget sound RegIonal Synthesis Model

PRISM is a cross-campus project to build a Virtual Puget Sound that will bring all people together on issues of Puget Sound in terms of ecology, education, and outreach. I am working on the collaboration tool aspects as well as working with 3D visualizations of PRISM model output.

My Masters Project: Networked Marbles

The Intructions for my Masters Project experiments explains participation in my networked Marbles world. The experiments were run the second week of December 1997 and my results were posted within my Masters Project report.

A Past Project: Teachers/Pathfinders VR Web Pages

The Teachers/Pathfinders VR Web Pages Project is a site for Teachers to visit who are curious about the building of virtual worlds.

My Background

I am an Information Scientist and Computer Scientist (assuming pieces of paper justify the title) interested in virtual realities. I most recently finished up my Masters of Science in Computer Science at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) through Rensselaer-Hartford in Hartford, CT. I worked as an Information Scientist for 5 years at The Travelers Insurance Company (TIC) where I was blessed with being able to work on 5 technology projects with 60 bright and creative peers. Together, we were a collaborative success as we shared research and insight to roll out technology in a timely and cost-effective fashion. At one point within TIC, I became the product manager for Lotus Notes which is as much cultureware as software. I began to live the excitement of technology-supported collaboration. That excitement continues to thrive as I have moved on to working with collaboration on the internet, using the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) and the Java 3D API to deliver easy to use, 3 dimensional, collaboratory software to all of us.

I am focusing my efforts at the HIT Lab at The University of Washington on studying and guiding the ever changing VRML standard as well as interfacing VRML with Java. Lately, I have been working extensively with the Java 3D API. My Masters Project tested the viability of 3D collaboration in a simulation world created with VRML and Java and networked between 4 simultaneous participants. The results left me feeling hopeful that all kinds of valuable multi-user virtual worlds are just around the corner.

The VRML standard should take advantage of the best graphics, networking, multimedia, and browser capabilities we can develop (see Mark Pesce's paper). In keeping up with the lab's mission, I focus on getting VRML, Java 3D, and any other similar or related technologies out to the masses. Teaching how to use VRML, discussing the implications of a VRML site for the 28.8 bps modem connected audience, and maintaining a lab VRML notebook for others to see the lab's work are some of my responsibilities within the lab. With this knowledge gained, I hope to help make the HIT lab's New Media site top notch.

For 1998, I will begin the year working on three projects. Most of my time will be spent working on the Netgate Mall (Greenspace III) project while also working on building collaboratory software and helping with the Virtual Puget Sound which is a part of the PRISM project administered by the Oceanography department at the University of Washington. The first demonstration of the Netgate Mall project is scheduled for July of 1998.

My cyberhomestead is located at coordinates 599N 495W in Alpha World (AW). If you want to meet my cyberpersona, download the Active Worlds client at Active Worlds and then send me an email message to set up a time PDT. I would like that.

You can get to my cyberhome through the Teleport option on the Active Worlds client menu bar. Be sure you choose world AW from the list of worlds in the left pane of the client before teleporting.


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