Phd Diary

Jan 9, 2003
Well I probably should have started this a while ago. Better late than never. The qualifications exam runs next week. I have amassed enough general coursework credits to qualify for a PhD within the Industrial Engineering department but the qualifications exam should help me know if I spent time learning the right stuff. The next steps are formulating a committee, preparing a general exam, and writing and defending a dissertation. There's money involved in all that too. Anyway, this diary will hopeful provide me with motivation and commitment during the so-called 'journey'. If it helps someone else decide whether they want to pursue a PhD or not, so be it. If it helps someone else gain knowledge in subjects similar to my interests, so be it. But, basically, I retain artistic license to write whatever I want to document here. Sure sounds like fun. We'll see.

Last Modified: Thursday, 9-Jan-2003 17:07:06 PST