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Ruth Fruland's papers
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Ruth Fruland's Papers

Medina, E., Fruland, R. and Weghorst, S. (2008). VIRTUSPHERE: Walking in a human size VR hamster ball. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA: HFES.

Winn, W.D., Stahr, F., Sarason, C., Fruland, R., Oppenheimer, P. and Lee, Y-L. (2006). Learning oceanography from a computer simulation compared with direct experience at sea. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43(1), 25-42.

Winn, W.D., Stahr, F., Sarason, C., Fruland, R., Oppenheimer, P. and Lee, Y-L. (2003). Learning about Puget Sound using virtual reality technology. Presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, September 2003, Seattle, WA.

Stahr, F., Fruland, R., Winn, W.D., Viers, S. and Sarason, C. (2003). Virtual versus real: How do students best learn about estuarine circulation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Geophysical Society of America, November 2003, Seattle, WA.

Fruland, R.M., Lei, L. and and Winn, W.D. (2003). Evidence for conceptual change in students learning oceanography in a virtual environment. Presented at the annual meeting of AERA, April 2003, Chicago, IL.

Winn, W.D., Windschitl, M., Fruland, R. and Lee, Y.L. (2002). When does immersion in a virtual environment help students construct understanding? In Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Societies, Seattle, WA.

Fruland, R., Winn, W.D., Oppenheimer, P., Stahr, F. and Sarason, C. (2002). Science Education Using a Computer Model-Virtual Puget Sound. Presented at the National Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, November 2002, San Francisco, CA.

Winn, W.D., Windschitl, M., Fruland, R. and Lee, Y-L (2002). Features of virtual environments that contribute to students' understanding of earth science. Presented at Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA.