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Habib Abi-Rached's papers
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Habib Abi-Rached's Papers

Lin, J.J.W., Abi-Rached, H. and Lahav, M. (2004). Virtual guiding avatar: an effective procedure to reduce simulator sickness in virtual environments. In Proceedings of SIGCHI, pp. 719-726. [Available online under other terms]

Lin, J.W., Duh, B.L., Abi-Rached, H., Parker, D.E. and Furness, T.A.III (2002). Effects of field of view on presence, enjoyment, memory and simulator sickness in a virtual environment. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2002, pp. 164-171. [Available online under other terms]

Lin, J.J.W., Abi-Rached, H., Parker, D.E. and Furness, T.A. (2002). Motion Trajectory Prediction Cues Alleviated Simulator Sickness during Passive Travel through a Virtual Environment. Journal of Vestibular Research, 11(3-5), 332.

Duh, B.L., Abi-Rached, H., Parker, D.E. and Furness, T.A. (2001). Effects on balance disturbance of manipulating depth of an independent visual background in a stereographic display. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting.

Abi-Rached, H. (1998). Ford Interim Report Summer 98. (Technical Report) : Human Interface Technology Lab.

Abi-Rached, H. (1998). Human Stereo Acuity. (Technical Report) .