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Michael Meyer's papers
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Michael Meyer's Papers

Fauver, M., Seibel, E.J., Rahn, J.R., Meyer, M.G., Patten, F.W., Neumann, T. and Nelson, A.C. (2005). Computed tomography at the subcellular level for early detection of lung cancer. Presented at 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer, 3-6 July 2005, Barcelona, Spain.

Fauver, M., Seibel, E.J., Rahn, J.R., Meyer, M.G., Patten, F.W., Neumann, T. and Nelson, A.C. (2005). Three-dimensional imaging of single isolated cell nuclei using optical projection tomography. OSA Optics Express, 13(11), 4210-4223. [Authoritative version]