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Dr. Bruce Donald Campbell

Research Scientist
Currently associated with the Virtual Scalable Basin, and PARVAC projects.

Bruce is currently pursuing a PhD in Industrial Engineering at the University of Washington. After a career in accounting Bruce changed his path into the direction of the sciences. He holds an M.S. degree in both Information Science and Computer Science.

Bruce's dissertation focuses on collaborative analysis and he applies his research to clients of Ocean Science at the UW. Bruce is interested in collaborative virtual reality and virtual community and he relates his interest and knowledge to a variety of research projects. Bruce participated in the VRML/X3D standard generation process, focusing on interfacing the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) with Java within the popular Web browsers. Evangelizing Java 3D and JOGL within Web applications followed naturally.

In his free time Bruce enjoys exercising by running and biking. He also loves traveling and is a keen follower of film festivals, the Vancouver International Film Festival being his favorite.