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Cameron Lee

Research Engineer
Currently associated with the Micro-optical fabrication of a fiber scanning system project.

Cameron first came to the lab in 2001 when he was looking for a summer job. He felt that the HIT Lab was an exciting and intellectually stimulating environemt.

After completing his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2003 Cameron re-joined the lab as a Research Engineer.

He is currently working with scanning fiber technology to create small imaging devices. He hopes that one day these cameras will be used for a number of applications that are seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives.

Cameron has many interests but he particularlly enjoys creating something new and watching it work. He thrives on the satisfaction of a job well done and likes creating products that might some day work themselves into the public market.

In his spare time Cameron enjoys a number of activities but likes to focus his energies into one or two recreations at a time. Over the years he has: played trumpet in local bands, hiked, competed in paintball tournaments, helped coach high school wresting, skied, mountain biked etc. Currently he spends his free time skiing and mountain biking.