The emergence of 3D software is creating opportunities for new input devices that offer 3D specific features and controls and yet are easy to learn and use. Wacom is currently selling graphics tablets into traditional (2D) graphics market. With the new Intuos 4D Mouse, it is seeking to capatalize on the rapid expansion of commercial applications in the 3D graphics market.

Commercially available 3D input devices fail to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding general 3D design market because:

Wacom's Intuos 4D Mouse combines the familiarity of standard 2D devices with intuitive, 3D specific controls at a reasonable price.

The problem is to determine optimal way to use 4D Mouse in 3D, and test performance advantage over standard mice. To do are developing software that allows intuitive navigation in 3D worlds using Wacom's 4D Mouse and are comparing its performance with commercial 3D browsers. This software allows users and application developers to experience the 4D Mouse, thus stimulating integration of support in commercial 3D applications.