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Interactive VRD

Participating in the Integrated Small Precision Optics Manufacturing Technology (ISPOMT) consortium, the HIT Lab is designing and developing an interactive VRD for US Navy pilots. The VRD is the only display technology that has sufficient luminance to be used as an augmented display over the pilot's real world view in bright sunlight. The HIT Lab will develop this unique augmented image as an interactive display. New technologies that will be developed are: (1) exact registration of the augmented image over the real world scene, (2) eye tracking to know where the pilot is looking in the augmented image, and (3) display strategies that both allow the pilot to view sensor data from 360 degrees and to prompt the display for additional information.

Interactive VRD Components

low vision

Goals of the IVRD project

  • superimpose high luminance color images over the pilot's real world view,
  • measure instantaneous location of the augmented image in the real world view,
  • measure gaze direction, eye, and possibly hand position within the augmented image,
  • display sensor data from 360 degrees within a limited field-or-view, augmented image,
  • allow the viewer to prompt the display for more detailed information.

Sponsoring Agencies

Office of Naval Research
Grant #N00014-96-0008


Thomas A. Furness III <tfurness at>