Appendix C in Tables Format - long file

Tab Delimited Text Documat

***Variables Listed in this Appendix***

ID participant ID number
AGE age
GENDER gender
MRA score on Cube Comparison Test
SSQ1-SSQ16 score on first-sixteenth symptom on post-exposure SSQ
SSQcom whether or not participant reported additional symptoms on post-exposure SSQ; 1=comment, 0=no comment
HEIGHT height (in inches)
IPD inter pupillary distance (in inches)
TIME time in VE (minutes.seconds)
LEVEL final level reached in Ascent
HMD setting used on HMD
TEMP temperature in room (usually taken during post-exposure phase) (in degrees Fahrenheit)
AftEffs whether or not participant reported any aftereffects during follow-up; 1=after effect, 0=no after effect
PrePS(1,2)T time for the first,second pre-exposure posture trial
PstPS(1,2)T time for the first,second post-exposure posture trial
PrePS(1,2)R(1,2) rating from rater 1,2 for the first,second posture trial
PstPS(1,2)R(1,2) rating from rater 1,2 for the first,second posture trial
PrePro mean Prototype score for the two pre-exposure posture trials
PstPro mean Prototype score for the two post-exposure posture trials
NAUS post-exposure Nausea subscale score
VIS post-exposure Oculomotor Discomfort subscale score
DIS post-exposure Disorientation subscale score
TOTAL post-exposure Total Severity score
PreSSQ1-PreSSQ16 score on first-sixteenth symptom on the pre-exposure SSQ
PreNAUS pre-exposure Nausea subscale score
PreVIS pre-exposure Oculomotor Discomfort subscale score
PreDIS pre-exposure Disorientation subscale score
PreTOT pre-exposure Total Severity score

Appendix C Data

Appendix C table