***** Computer Select, October 1994 : Articles ***** Journal: PC Week Sept 12, 1994 v11 n36 pA3(1) COPYRIGHT Ziff-Davis Publishing Company 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cyber-bard. (Sun Microsystems' Karaoke Shakespeare virtual reality system) (Trends: VR)(PC Week Inside) (Brief Article) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Text: Trends: VR CYBER-BARD To prove the possibilities of virtual reality, former Sun Microsystems marketing development manager Andy McRae foregoes the traditional shoot-'em-up demo. Instead, he took the high (brow) road with "Karaoke Shakespeare," a VR system that plops the user into the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet" -- and on the stage of the Globe Theater as it looked in 1599. You can play either of the characters, the lines fed to you on a display. McRae has shown the application to Bard buffs in London and earlier this month at the California Shakespeare Festival. But don't look for a commercial product anytime soon. McRae is busy enough with a new consulting business introducing corporations to opportunities on the Internet. Besides, how turned on could Juliet get gazing into the eyes of a VR helmet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company: Sun Microsystems Inc. Topic: Virtual reality Product Development Marketing Strategy Record#: 16 237 140 *** End ***