***** Computer Select, October 1994 : Articles ***** Journal: The Wall Street Journal August 23, 1994 pB1(W) pB1(E) col 3 (20 col in) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: 'Phantom' simulates wielding a scalpel, tossing a ball. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology's robot with virtual touch) Author: Stipp, David Abstract: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduate student Thomas Massie invented the $19,500 Phantom which is a small robot arm with virtual reality characteristics. The device is heralded by scientists as an engineering marvel because of its low cost, and ability to provide users with tactile feedback when their fingers move. Similar devices cost $200,000 or more. The tactile information is controlled by using a PC to change the amount of resistance available to the finger wells in the robotic arms. Robotics experts believe automobile engineers could use the tool to design cars from virtual blocks of clay, and brain surgeons could learn to operate on virtual patients instead of using real patients. Massie is now working on Phantom II, which he hopes to offer as a consumer product. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Topic: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Inventions Patent Virtual Reality Device Robot arms Record#: 16 204 432 *** End ***