Page Last Updated: 96.04.29

TreeTown VRML Worlds

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    In conjunction with the University of Central Florida's Polyshop, the HIT Lab has developed the TreeTown project to enable rapid prototyping of cities and architectural spaces using fractal algorithms in real-time. The VRML files below are static "snapshots" of dynamic environments constructed by Peter Oppenheimer. For more information, please see our TreeTown Web site.

    These files can also be accessed from the TreeTown (Polyshop) Gallery Room (VRML 1.0, 1.87 MB) of the HIT Lab Gallery.

    TreeTown VRML Worlds

    Fractal Tree

    The trunk gives birth to branches, which give birth to yet smaller branches. The tree's appearance is controled by numerical "genes" such as branching angle, twist angle, trunk-to-branch ratio, etc.
    VRML 1.0 (383 KB), G-Zipped(12.3 KB)


    Replacing the bark with asphalt and the leaves with houses, the tree becomes a suburban town.
    VRML 1.0 (321 KB), G-Zipped (10.7 KB)


    With the passing of time and a slight disregard for zoning laws, our sleepy village grows into a booming metropolis.
    VRML 1.0 (80.3 KB), G-Zipped (3.17 KB)


    Just as the highways branch down to alleys, buildings also have a hierachical structure. Wing -> Hallway -> Office -> Cubicle
    VRML 1.0 (108 KB), G-Zipped (13.3 KB)